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I have received CJAVA-CLASSNOTFOUND VALUE -3 in a call C$JAVA.

Below a piece of my code:

pasta, |folder
texto-log |some text

My environment variables:

JAVA_LIBRARY_NAME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre-1.8\bin\client\jvm.dll

Can you help me?

  • 0

    Call C$JAVA - first thing is your Call C$JAVA needs to have some sort of operation you want to perform such as: 

    CALL "C$JAVA" USING CJAVA-NEW  these op-codes are described in the docs.
    Typically the minimum would be Call C$JAVA using CJAVA-NEW, then CALL "C$JAVA" USING CJAVA-CALL
    The sample\java directory contains an example and a readme.

    SW Engineering(QA)  

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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