DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
What is the correct setup in AcuXDBC to access VISION data files which have different file extensions?
DATA01 (with DATA01.VIX)
DATA02.ARC (with DATA02.VIX)
DATA03.DAT (with DATA03.VIX)
Is this possible and which is the best setting to use?
AcuXDBC provides a configuration variable called FILE_SUFFIX which can be set to the extension of the file name.
Unfortunately, this variable allows only one value.
In cases where data file names have more and different extensions, aliases can be used.
The variable should be left commented in acuxdbc.cfg:
Then the following syntax should be used to load files with aliases into the catalog:
C:\>addfile.bat -d C:\...\syscat -x C:\...\xfd DATA01
C:\>addfile.bat -d C:\...\syscat -x C:\...\xfd DATA02#DATA02#DATA02.ARC
C:\>addfile.bat -d C:\...\syscat -x C:\...\xfd DATA03#DATA03#DATA03.DAT
Where DATA01 needs no alias, since it has no extension in the file name.
The syntax used by the addfile tool is:
- the XFD file name without its .xfd extension
- the alias that will be used in the SQL queries
- the physical file name with its own extension.