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Has anyone successfully created a Java ZMF Web Service app to perform a CMN ZMF Package Approval.

I'm trying to create a Java App to approve a CMN ZMF Package without requiring users to logon to the mainframe and into CMN ZMF etc.... I was able to get the 'Sample' Webservices Java app (provided via the support site) to work. However, when I attempt to code the approval process/service (i.e. PackageLifeCycle.ApprovePackageRequest) I'm getting some odd errors in the Java code (i.e. fields don't appear to be defined correctly) and I can't even get to a test phase. Is there anyone out there that has successfully done this. If so, would you be willing to provide a sample similar to the 'Package Information' Sample provided by Serena?


Changeman ZMF
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    We created a small sample application that will do this. You can find it on the KB here:
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    Did the knowledgebase item that Vickie posted help you? Using the sample Webservices Java app that you mentioned I have written several Java plugins for RDz to create a package as well as stage components into a package.

    Dave Odya
    Senior Software Engineer
    Thomson Rueters