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Need documentation on zowe create package options

I want to use zowe to create a package and I need to know what options to use for the site/install date section. 

There are no options that match those used by XML or REST services.

I'm also curious about the spelling of --applmame.  I thought it was a typo but that is the spelling that works. 


Changeman ZMF
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    applMame was indeed a typo and was fixed in ZMF CLI V2. 

    Package creation is probably the most complex of the REST api's and that therefore that is the case of the ZMF cli plugin command. 

    The ZMF CLI  V2  has addressed some of those complexities by providing the means to enter a JSON string for some of the sub parameter structures such as scheduling Infor and siteInfo etc.

    Zowe CLI V2 was delayed from February by the Open Mainframe Foundation and went GA a few days ago and as such, we are now finalizing our testing of the ZMF CLI in support of V2 and it should be released in the next week or so.

     I would encourage folk to migrate to zowe V2 as it has performance advantages with the introduction  of daemon mode and also much improved security as the userid and password are no longer saved in clear text within the profile.

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    Here are a couple of examples on how to create a package using the ZMF CLI V2 running under zowe V2.

    Note that package creation would likely only be done using a script and unlikely to be entered manually from a command prompt due to the complex nature associated with  the number of parameters required.

    Here is the same package creation done using 2 different methods:
    Notice that the parmeters for sitename, installdate eetc are all in the standard zowe format for parameters being in lower case throughout.

    zowe zmf create pkg --zmf-p d001.u820all -a STEV --cm 0 --pt "Try REST api driven pkg create " -t 1 --pl 1  --rn "Steve Downes" --rp 999 --rd DEMO --wcr DEMO --sitename LOCAL --installdate "20220820" --frominstalltime "000001" --toinstalltime "235959" --contactname Me --contactphone 999 --altcontactname You --altcontactphone 911

    This example uses a JSON array to pass parameters;

    Note using the --siarray option would typically be done if there are multiple sets of site related information to be provided and hence why we use a JSON array for that purpose. 

    In this instance, the JSON parms specified within the array - siteName, installDate etc - must conform to the underlying REST API parameter name and hence in camelCase. 
    zowe zmf create pkg --zmf-p d001.u820all -a STEV --cm 0 --pt "Try REST api driven pkg create " -t 1 --pl 1  --rn "Steve Downes" --rp 999 --rd DEMO --wcr DEMO --siarray '[{\"siteName\":\"LOCAL\"},{\"installDate\":\"20220820\"},{\"fromInstallTime\":\"000001\"},{\"toInstallTime\":\"235959\"},{\"contactName\":\"Me\"},{\"contactPhone\":\"999\"},{\"alternateContactName\":\"You\"},{\"alternateContactPhone\":\"911\"}]'

    This is documented in the web help that is available as part of zowe cli.