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VS Code - ZMF Explorer - download copybooks


The included copybooks are not getting downloaded and I'm in the dark where the problem could be.


- In created a package and checked out a component using the ISPF dialog

- I connected with VS Code to the package

- I locked the component and then I clicked on the component

a) I don't get a 'popup' with the request to download the copybooks

b) the z Open Editor is unable to resolve the copybooks

Any idea what could be the problem?

Thank you



Changeman ZMF
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    It is only when I simply activate the exit SYSL01XL that I'm being prompted to download the copybooks

    FYI : the library type is SRC, the language PLI, in the exit I'm only hanging the language for a couple of non-source components that contain ISPF components (REXX, etc.)


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    I'm a bit confused about the scenario in question. The title of this discussion item references VBS code - which I took to be Visual Basic code, but you say it is actually PL/1. So is the VBS reference irrelevant or does it refer to something else pertinent to the discussion ?  Ah! lightbulb moment! it should say VS Code not VBS Code ?   Sorry, I got hung up on the VBS bit.

    To be clear, you have built the PL/1 source and CMNWRITE has detected (and reported) the included copybooks it has found - correct ?

    Once the build has been completed successfully you have attempted to retrieve the source and its registered (by CMNWRITE) copybooks but there is no prompt to get the copybooks unless SYSL01XL is active ?

    I can think of no reason why that might happen.

    Once you have verified my understanding of the problem I will attempt a recreation here. If I can't recreate I may have to ask you for output from the build, output from xml listing the ISIC records.

    But let's make sure I understand first :-)


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    Hi Steve,
    My mistake the spellchecker played a trick with me, It is in VSCode and not VBS Code
    Would it be possible for someone to change this in the title of th discussion?

    To make it all more understandable, all actions described here are done via the ZMF Explorer in VS Code

    1. I checked out a component from the baseline to a package

    2. I lock the component

    3. I click on the component

    Now here starts the strange thing, sometimes I'm getting a popup with the request to download the copybooks, but sometimes I don't

    So I'm trying to understand why sometimes the popup appears and (most of time) it doesn't

    Thank you


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    I changed the title to VS Code :-)   

    In your steps for recreation you have never explicitly mentioned building the component ?   That may be because you have assumed this step ?  But can you confirm that you have built the source component successfully before attempting to use VS Code to download it and its copybooks ?   Also, when the prompt for copybooks doesn't happen can you look at the build output to make sure that copybooks have been successfully detected (by CMNWRITE) ?

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    I changed the title to VS Code :-)   

    In your steps for recreation you have never explicitly mentioned building the component ?   That may be because you have assumed this step ?  But can you confirm that you have built the source component successfully before attempting to use VS Code to download it and its copybooks ?   Also, when the prompt for copybooks doesn't happen can you look at the build output to make sure that copybooks have been successfully detected (by CMNWRITE) ?

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    Hi Steve,

    Ok, I'm starting to understand it.

    When a component is in check status, it assumes the copybooks through the relationship in the package master of the baselined component
    When it is in the package and it is ACTIVE and I edit it again it will use the ones present for that package

    And indeed I'm getting the popup in both of these cases.

    But this is not correct .... I'm a developer and changing my code via VS Code, at a certain point I check it back in to save my intermediate work into Changeman. By doing so the local copy and the copybooks are being removed. When I click on the component again, the popup does not appear and I'm unable to perform a proper editing as the copybooks were not retrieved
