We're using latest version of ZMF Explorer for VS Code.
We would like to release what we've set up till now to users, but we've still some open points.
We've seen that it's "too easy" for the VS Code user to navigate through a full list of all baselined sources of a specific application (we may have applications with 10,000 sources...) Same with the list of all packages.
I know that it's possible to set up a filter but I don't know if I may define a "default" filter to be distributed to all users so that they would not need to set it up manually.
I would also like to be able to filter packages based on their status and not only on their name (in VS Code developers are more interested in DEV status packages than in BAS packages....).
Releasing to some users the VS Code ZMF Explorer just made Tomcat exposing ChangeMan REST API to dump a java core because of "too much memory" requested. And this was caused simply by somebody navigating through baselines and packages without setting a filter...
Do you have any advice for these situations?
Thank you.