At our company our developers can have IDz and EDz installed on the same pc.
In Idz we use AWM and related license software.
This license software is the same as the one included in EDz.
In IDz license software version has to be added manually to install package.
In EDz license software version is part of EDz install (not managed by ourselves)
Beside the client installation of License software there is also an installed version on server (used by IDz and EDz) where we have uploaded the corresponding license files
Until now the version of the license software in the IDz package was never higher than the license software version of EDz
Now we want to upgrade IDz from version 15.0.3 to version 16.0.3
so it seems we need to upgrade to AWM version 9 and related
license software version v10000.3.19282 (= pu1 op 319272)
We have no intention to upgrade EDz at this time.
Version of license software:
Current situation |
To Be situation |
License server |
v10000.2.03140 |
v10000.3.19282 (= pu1 op 319272) |
Software package IDz |
IDz 15.0.3 using awm version 6 100.2.03140 |
v10000.3.19282 (= pu1 op 319272) |
Software package EDz |
EDz V5 pu5 (5.0.00256 and 5.0.00295) 100.2.03140 |
EDz V5 pu5 (5.0.00256 and 5.0.00295) 100.2.03140 |
A few questions :
Will EDz V5 pu5 keep working in these situations :
-IDz is already installed with license software version v10000.3.19282 at time of installation of EDz
What will happen with the license software on the pc ?
-EDz is already installed at time of installation of the new IDz
What will happen with the license software on the pc ?
I installed the new version of the license software on our test license server
and on a test client pc (without EDz installed)
I noticed that on the client pc the location of the license software (CesAdminTool.exe) is changed.to this folder : C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Licensing
Until now, on the client pc, license software is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel RMS License Manager\WinNT
So If we install both current EDz and new IDz on the same client pc, will the license software be installed 2 times (in different folders) ?
In other words, is it possible to install two different versions of license software on the pc ?
If so, how to link to the right version ? (IDz AWM => version v10000.3.19282
and Edz AWM -> version 100.2.03140) ?
Kind regards