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New Domain users cannot connect

Attachmate Extra 9.2:

All of my users share configuration directories under the PUBLIC profile on each PC.  My users have always been able to log into Windows and start an Attachmate session without any issues.  Recently I've run into a problem where new users cannot connect.  I checked and they are pulling the proper config from the shared directory, but it refuses to connect and gives a socket error.  This particular group of users (just added to our AD server last week) cannot make a 3270 connection via Attachmate from any machine in our domain.  Older users can log into the Windows account on the very same machine and there is no issue. 

I can ping the server in question while logged into the PC as one of the new users, but still cannot connect.  

We do use a non-standard port with SSL 3.0 set as the Security Type.

Any ideas where this problem might be and how to fix it?  I'm about at wits end here!



Mainframe Access
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    Hello Russ Hazzon,

    Since these are users sharing a public profile and other users can access and start the session without issue on the same machine, I would compare access rights for the working on non-working user on the directory that is being shared.

    You are running a very old version of the software.  Please consider an upgrade to the latest version of Extra! 9.6 as soon as possible.  You will find added support for Windows 10, TLS 1.3 and Eliptical curve crypto among other things.


    Jeff B