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Application "status App" My Extra not function

Hi all.
I hope they are fine, it turns out that I have a myextra 9.4 client installed and I am trying to open the application "status App", but when trying to open it, it does not let me, it throws me a Windows error:
Anyone know what can it be? Thanks a lot



Mainframe Access
  • 0  

    Hi NelsonZamudio,

    You have an older version of the Extra! software so upgrading to the latest release 9.6 could resolve this issue for you.  My initial suggestion is to try to run a repair through add/remove programs to see if a component is missing or corrupted.  If that does not resolve the issue, please give a better description of what you are attempting to do that leads up to this error.  The status application is generally used to troubleshoot connectivity issues to the host.


    Jeff B

  • Verified Answer

    +1 in reply to   

    We have re-installed the application and it worked correctly
    thanks for your help