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How do you use the SearchText methods

Hello Gang,

   I am trying to understand what and how the Methods "SearchText, SearchText2, SearchText3, SearchText4" work.

In a previous attempt to learn about different methods, I was able to figure out the  **LINE2 = ThisScreen.GetText(5, 1, 79)**  where the variable LINE2 was holding the string value for the item.   

How do I use the SearchText methods?  I can't use

LINE2 = ThisScreen.SearchText("Select Accessioning menu Option", 1, 1, FindOptions_Forward)

because the item returned is not a string..  Being a novice, I don't always understand the online help prompts.

Thanks for any help .




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    so if i had a screen with the following lines of text on it,  how would I utilize 

    mary had a little lamb
    its fleece was white as snow
    and everywhere that Mary went
    the lamb sure did NOT want to go
    The End.
    ThisScreen.SearchText3("did NOT",1,2,5,79,FindOptions_Backward)
    "did NOT" = test I am search
    1 = beginning row
    2 = beginning column
    5 = end row
    79 = end column
    backwards = search direction

    What is being fed back to me ?? a true/false or string ??

    expression.SearchText3( _
       ByVal text As String, _
       ByVal startRow As Integer, _
       ByVal startColumn As Integer, _
       ByVal endRow As Integer, _
       ByVal endColumn As Integer, _
       ByVal findOption As FindOptions _
    ) As ScreenPoint object 
  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to 

    Hi Marshallgrads,

    To directly answer you last question what is being fed back:

    A ScreenPoint object that contains the coordinate of the located text or null if the text is not found.

    So you should use ThisScreen.SearchText3 to find the location of the text then you would use ThisScreen.GetText to capture the actual text that you found if that is what you want to do.

    Sub ExampleForScreenPoint()
        Dim sPoint As ScreenPoint
        Dim text As String
        Dim row, column As Integer
        'Get the maximum rows for the screen
        row = ThisScreen.DisplayRows
        column = ThisScreen.DisplayColumns
        'Find the row
        Set sPoint = ThisScreen.SearchText4("Profit", 1, 1, row, column, FindOptions_Forward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)
        'Get the Text
        text = ThisScreen.GetText(sPoint.row, sPoint.column, 8)
        Debug.Print text; " is at row " & sPoint.row & " and column " & sPoint.column

    An important note is that this Method is from the Open Systems library and I am pretty sure it does not exist in the ibm host library.  So this will only work in VT session types.

    For IBM Host information look here:


    Jeff B

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       Thanks for taking a moment to explain about this method.   Being a novice, I have not been able to work out what the "Set sPoint" is feeding back.  

    I believe I understand the concept that it should be feeding back a coordinate  (ex: Row = 1, Column = 6).

    Is the actual value/variable being set in a specific form:   sPoint = 1,6 ??

    I was able to understand the row/column thing.  This is something I didn't know about for properties so it will be a great thing to use in the future;  TY..

    MsgBox "LINES: " & ThisScreen.DisplayRows
    MsgBox "COLUMNS: " & ThisScreen.DisplayColumns

    When I attempted to play with it, I simply copied your general format, but changed the "Profit" to be something that was present on my screen but when I tried to put this in a messagebox it didn't work..

    Set sPoint = ThisScreen.SearchText4("disciplinary", 1, 1, row, column, FindOptions_Forward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)

    msgbox sPoint

    I get an error that says "Run-time error 91, Object variable or With block variable not set"

    my full code is this:

    MsgBox "LINES: " & ThisScreen.DisplayRows
    MsgBox "COLUMNS: " & ThisScreen.DisplayColumns
        'Find the row
        'Set sPoint = ThisScreen.SearchText4("Profit", 1, 1, row, Column, FindOptions_Forward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)
        Set sPoint = ThisScreen.SearchText4("disciplinary", 1, 1, row, Column, FindOptions_Forward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)
        'Get the Text
        text = ThisScreen.GetText(sPoint.row, sPoint.Column, 80)
    MsgBox sPoint
    MsgBox text
    End Sub

  • Verified Answer



       I want to extend a hardy THANK YOU for providing me a hint on how to use the "SearchText" method.  Although the specific example you posted did not work on my initial attempt, I was able to take the concept that you provided and experiment.  My experimentation has resulted in a working code which I believe will allow me to do what I hope to given time to sit down and code it all.

    Here is what I now have.  

    What I have is an entire paragraph on my screen, starting with Row 1 and continuing to Row 24.  In my code below, I am now able to successfully capture what line the word "disciplinary" is found on.  Then using the row number identified and its column position, I can now use the "GetText" method to extract the number of characters following this keyword.  HURRAY !!!..

    The entire line is - "and disciplinary, adverse, or other appropriate action."  I then use my method to extract the next 20 characters and it brings back - "disciplinary, advers".  Perfect...

    ' as of 11/18/21 this works !!!!
    Dim Point As ScreenPoint
    MsgBox "LINES: " & ThisScreen.DisplayRows
    MsgBox "COLUMNS: " & ThisScreen.DisplayColumns
        Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("disciplinary", 1, 1, FindOptions_Backward)                                                      'this works !!
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText4("disciplinary", 1, 1, row, Column, FindOptions_Backward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)        'this DOES NOT work
        'Get the Text
       text = ThisScreen.GetText(Point.row, Point.Column, 20)
    MsgBox text
    End Sub

    As you can see, I was not able to use the "SearchText4" method, but I am able to successfully use the basic "SearchText" method to retrieve exactly what I was striving for.

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    Just wanted to give another example of code.  Just variations on the theme..  But might help others in the future.

    ' as of 11/18/21 this works !!!!
    Dim Point As ScreenPoint
    Dim text As String
    'MsgBox "LINES: " & ThisScreen.DisplayRows
    'MsgBox "COLUMNS: " & ThisScreen.DisplayColumns
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("data", 1, 1, FindOptions_Backward)                                                               'this works !!
        Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("ACCESSION:", 1, 1, FindOptions_Forward)
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText4("disciplinary", 1, 1, row, Column, FindOptions_Backward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)       'this DOES NOT work
        'Get the Text
       text = ThisScreen.GetText(Point.row, Point.Column, 80)                      ' THIS WORKS
       'text = ThisScreen.GetText(Point.row + 1, Point.Column, 80)                  ' THIS WORKS
       'text = ThisScreen.GetText(Point.row + 1, Point.Column + 1, 100)              ' THIS WORKS
    MsgBox text
    MsgBox "The specified text was found on ROW: " & Point.row & " Column: " & Point.Column
    'MsgBox Point.Column
    'MsgBox Point.row
    MsgBox "LENGTH OF TEXT IS: " & Len(text)
    End Sub

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    Excellent marshallgrads.  Thanks for sticking with it and sharing examples that worked for you.  This will help the community get better.


    Jeff B.

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    Here is a new question about this.  

    I have been successful, as noted below, in being able to search my screen for text and then scrape this data.  The suggestion provided by Jeff was instrumental in being able to do this.  As I understand the mechanism, the "sPoint" is returning a coordinate of (Row, Column).  Is there a way to use this coordinate to evaluate a True/False so that I could then use an If/Then statement to branch off and execute different segments of code?

    Do I Dim the Point as a different entity?

    Dim Point As Boolean

    Thanks in advance,


  • 0

    Ok,  I have been trying lately to figure a way to use the SearchText Method.   What I have been able to deduce is this.

    • If the string of text that I am searching for IS present on my computer screen, then I have no problems.
    • If the string of text IS NOT present, then I receive an error code.

    In my code, I am using the SearchText method which feeds back a ScreenPoint object.  This ScreenPoint object holds two values if the text is present - Row and Column of found text starting point.

    ' as of 11/18/21 this works !!!!
    Dim Point As ScreenPoint
    Dim text As String
        Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("ACCESSION:", 1, 1, FindOptions_Forward)                                                          'THIS WORKS
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("data", 1, 1, FindOptions_Backward)                                                              'this works !!
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText4("disciplinary", 1, 1, row, Column, FindOptions_Backward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)       'this DOES NOT work
        If IsNull(Point) = True Then
            'The ISNULL function returns TRUE if the expression is a NULL value.
            'The ISNULL function returns FALSE if the expression is not a NULL value.
                MsgBox "The phrase/word *ACCESSION:* WAS NOT FOUND on the screen"
                MsgBox "The phrase/word *ACCESSION:* was FOUND on the screen"
                MsgBox "Row position is: " & Point.row
                MsgBox "Column position is: " & Point.column
        End If
        Exit Sub
        End Sub

    The code below only works if the string "ACCESSION:" is present.  If it is not present, then the Point variable is null and throws an error.

    ' as of 11/18/21 this works !!!!
    Dim Point As ScreenPoint
    Dim text As String
        Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("ACCESSION:", 1, 1, FindOptions_Forward)                                                          'THIS WORKS
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("data", 1, 1, FindOptions_Backward)                                                              'this works !!
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText4("disciplinary", 1, 1, row, Column, FindOptions_Backward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)       'this DOES NOT work
        If Point.row  > 0 Then
                MsgBox "The phrase/word *ACCESSION:* WAS FOUND on the screen"
                 MsgBox "Row position is: " & Point.row
                MsgBox "Column position is: " & Point.column
                MsgBox "The phrase/word *ACCESSION:* was NOT on the screen"
        End If
        Exit Sub

    My problem is that I was attempting to use the IsNull(expression) to evaluate the instances of where I had NO matching text appearing on my screen.  But unfortunately if doesn't seem to work as I had expected.    Is there anyone that has an idea of how I can evaluate for the empty or Null ScreenPoint object?  I can't seem to find a way to do it..

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    I have also tried this variation of my code.  Whether or not the Strings of "ACCESSION:" is present my equation evaluates it and uses the ELSE branch.

    What am I doing wrong??

    ' as of 11/18/21 this works !!!!
    Dim Point As ScreenPoint
    Dim text As String
        Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("ACCESSION:", 1, 1, FindOptions_Forward)                                                          'THIS WORKS
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText("data", 1, 1, FindOptions_Backward)                                                              'this works !!
        'Set Point = ThisScreen.SearchText4("disciplinary", 1, 1, row, Column, FindOptions_Backward, TextComparisonOption_IgnoreCase)       'this DOES NOT work
        If IsNull(Point) Then
            'The ISNULL function returns TRUE if the expression is a NULL value.
            'The ISNULL function returns FALSE if the expression is not a NULL value.
                MsgBox "The phrase/word *ACCESSION:* WAS NOT FOUND on the screen"
                MsgBox "The phrase/word *ACCESSION:* was FOUND on the screen"
                MsgBox "Row position is: " & Point.row
                MsgBox "Column position is: " & Point.column
        End If
        Exit Sub