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Does 'Host Access for the Cloud' have a caps on indicator like Reflection Workplace does?

Does 'Host Access for the Cloud' have a caps on indicator like Reflection Workplace does?

I like to have this as my keyborad does not have a caps on indicator light.  


Host Access for the Cloud
  • 0  

    Hi Rod,
    as far I know not out of the box. But you can implement it by using Host Access for the Cloud client side extensions.
    You can take advantage of the client extensions to make visual changes to the web client and to customize the application. 

    Extending the Web Client - Host Access for the Cloud (

    Append an event listener for 'keydown' and use the getModifierState() method to retrieve the  current state of the specified modifier key.

    Something like this.

    function capsLockHandler () {
        window.addEventListener('keydown', function( event ) {
        if (event.getModifierState("CapsLock")) {
            console.log("CAPSLock ON");
         } else {
            console.log("CAPSLock OFF");

    hope it helps
