Microfocus Reflection Desktop Pro version - Can Reflection save my Password?

After entering an ip address for a router that I am trying to log into I am prompted with a text box to enter my password (my username is part of my settings file, so I don't have to enter it.). 

My password consists of two parts.

When prompted with the text box to enter my password I have to type a long (13 digit) password and then I need to enter an 8 digit number from my RSA token (the 8 digit number changes about every 30 seconds, but my long password is static).

I tried to use the "mouse mapper" function to save my password so I could just press one keyboard key and click my mouse one time to get my password to paste into the password text box, but, this function does not work with the password text box. After I do log into a router, If I use my key + mouse click combination, my password will paste into my Cisco command line interface, but prior to logging into router, it appears that "mouse mapper" will not work.

Is there any other way that Reflection can save my long password to where it automatically gets populated into the password text box or where I can press some key or mouse click combination or some other way of clicking to paste my saved password, allowing me then to only have to type in my 6 digit long code?


  • Suggested Answer

    Hi David, 

    one option is to see if your host allow for Public Private key encryption. Something to discuss with your host admin.

    The second option is to modify your connection settings, turning on "Handle SSH user authentication in terminal window".


    This will allow you to use the sendkey method to send your password to the host. Note: It is not recommended to save ones password in plain text.
    If you are planning to store the password in your VPA project, then I highly recomment that you password protect your VBA project and make sure it's not viaible.

    Oopen VBA, right click on your project, select "Project properties" and then on the "Protection" tab, check the box and set a password.


    The save your session and reopen it.

    Note: On attempting to save a recorded macro, or on attempting to open VBA, you will be promted for your project password. Once you unlock the project (by entering the correct password) then the project will remain unlocked until you relaunch your session.
