Will these versions run on z/OS V2.5 & 3.1?
Micro Focus Enterprise Developer for z Systems V4.0
Micro Focus Mainframe Access V8.0
DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
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Will these versions run on z/OS V2.5 & 3.1?
Micro Focus Enterprise Developer for z Systems V4.0
Micro Focus Mainframe Access V8.0
From z/OS V2.5 support is provided with:
Product Delivered in MFA Job Log Message
ED V8 ED 8.0.00 MFM0014I: Mainframe Access V10.00 (08000000) for ED80
ED V7 ED 7.0.04 MFM0014I: Mainframe Access V9.04 (07000004) for ED70
ED V6 ED 6.0.16 MFM0014I: Mainframe Access V8.16 (06000016) for ED60
ED V5 ED 5.0.23 MFM0014I: Mainframe Access V7.23 (05000023) for ED50
For MFA V6 and older, open an Incident Ticket, provide detailed information. Also need the output of the whole AMASPZAP job (in ASCII, with line-feeds) of modules MFMFM and XDBXSMV0. A zap might be able to be created or you might need to upgrade MFA.
Versions of Enterprise Developer that are currently running successfully with a version of MFA will continue to run once MFA is upgraded to at least the patch update level listed above.