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Missing View Variables Button


Hello dear colleagues, first of all, thank you for the opportunity.

I am a programmer of the Reflection Basic Editor scripts. Please look at both attached pictures. I just need to recover 2 things, 

1) The debuging button "View Variable" is missing (when I am running a script from the script editor). It stop working several years ago. I reintalled the whole application. Even in a new laptop and I can't make it work. 

2) In the same way, the F1 help its also missing. No information at all is comming when F1 is selected.

I appreciate if you can help me. I like to use Reflection basic Editor, but "View Variables" and "Help" is very necesary. 

Thank you in advance.


Omar R.


Comment List
  • Thank you Tom for all this information. I will follow your advice. I will need to test if my scripts can be edited and run using the newer version RD18. The problem is the only of my customers that still using this unsupported 1997 version. Well, they don't need the "view variable" variables neither a help. Its me. Thank you very much.

  • Hi Omar,

    I'm sorry to see that this functionality is missing/disabled in your Reflection Bacis Editor. Looking at your screenshot above I can see that the macro is not executing. The view variables option only become enables at run time, so if you step into your code does that control become enabled?.If not then I can't say why the view variable is not available, I suspect it's becuase of the the product can't find some dependent libraray which is no longer availabe in Windows NT 6.2.9200. I am not surprised that the help is not available, Microsoft remove WinHlp32 in Windows 7.

    i see that you are running Reflection for Unix OpenVMS 6.00. This version of Reflection relesed around 1997 and it was never tested on Windows 2012/Windows 8. It has been an unsupported version of Reflection since early 2000.

    The only advice I can give you is to upgrade your product version so a supported version. The current version ot RUO is Reflection DEsktop for Unix/OpenVMS 18.0.

    That will still not give you help in the Reflection Basic editor, but it will give you a VBA instance and NextGeneration API to allow you to create new macro with full documentation. The Reflection Basic editor is still shipped with RD 18.0 and we provide full support for the execute of legacy macros.

    Also, I can view my variables in the Reflection Basic Editor shipped with RD 18.0. 


    Hope that helps,
