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Relativity JDBC - SQL Question

Good Morning -

I am trying to query Table via JDBC. Opened a cursor and reading from first till last record.

ISAM File corresponding to TABLE : Len 512 Char, 84 fields.

JDBC connection is automatically closing after 450K records. Is there any setting missing ?

I understand file is getting read from top to bottom. Expecting slow speed but is there any way to enhance speed.

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    I’m going to guess that there’s an error or a crash that is closing the connection.

    Anyway, this seems more like a customer incident than a "How do I do this?" forum type question. In other words, I can’t possibly answer this question with the information given.

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    This is a question better handled by Support. Raise an incident on the support site.
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    Are you able to trap ans interrogate an error when the connection closes? Any error messages at all?
  • Verified Answer

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    Hi Tom - 


    It is issue with Relativity JDBC implementation. Seems JDBC drive is terminating without displaying error when Relativity made 2nd call internal call to fetch data. And 2nd call has issue.

    Defect being raised on MicroFocus  Side.