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Relativity - CRDM Error = 1601

I setup a CATALOG for ISAM file. Getting below error on trying to access table. Could not able to find info for CRDM Error = 1601. Can you please guide ? 


Error: ODBC error-- SQLExecDirect(... returned: SQLState: S1000 Msg: [Micro Focus][Relativity for RM][Client][SimbaLNA][Micro Focus][Relativity RM Server][CRDM]The key was not found. NativeErr: -1601
SQLState: S1000 Msg: [Micro Focus][Relativity for RM][SimbaLNA][Micro Focus][Relativity RM Server]Unable to open table: xxxxxxxxx. 08/10/2020 10:47:23

  • 0

    Mismatch between the COBOL key definitions used when you imported the file into the Designer and the actual file.  Arer you pointing the table instance at the correct physical file?

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    I copied the file to different location. Pointed Table instance to new location. IT worked fine. Eventhough, old  location was working till Friday. I will keep an eye and will ask for help.