Hello. The file 1-lunes.bat contains the instructions to make a backup and run a program as shown below:
CD D:\catalina-gas\inventar
runcobol.exe averaver.cob c=windows.cfg L=WOWRT.DLL
CD D:\catalina-gas\creditos
runcobol.exe solito.cob c=windows.cfg L=WOWRT.DLL
CD D:\catalina-gas\pagar
runcobol.exe solito.cob c=windows.cfg L=WOWRT.DLL
RMDIR /S /Q f:\backup\catalina-gas\lunes
XCOPY /E /I /Y D:\catalina-gas f:\backup\catalina-gas\lunes
1-monday.bat runs perfectly when it receives a direct clip to the shortcut on the Desktop but if it is placed as a Windows task in task scheduler program script D:\catalina-gas\backup\1-monday.bat the program AVERAVER.COB produces an error: Cobol configuration 410 error processing configuration
My question is: Why does 1-monday.bat run perfectly by clipping a shortcut and produce a 410 error when Windows runs it in the task scheduler?