Looking for Documentation on Methods for WOWSETPROP, WOWGETPROP, and AXDOMETHOD

Greetings Micro Focus Community! We use RM/Cobol with the WOW Extension Designer. There are three functions that are pretty commonly referenced in our applications called WOWSETPROP, WOWGETPROP, and AXDOMETHOD. I see they use a variety of parameters/methods like 'SortColumn', 'ListIndex',  'Text', etc. Does anyone know if there is documentation out there for all of the available parms for WOWSETPROP, WOWGETPROP, and AXDOMETHOD?

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    If you bought ActiveX controls from third vendors, they come with manuals. You can look there for Properties, Methods, Events and enumerations and how to handle them. Keep in mind that each of them in some cases are treated in different ways. If you use native ActiveX from Microsoft, a Google search can help you how to use them.