• How to Migrate RMCOBOL 85 License from Sco Unix to Ubuntu Linux Server

    Dear All, Presently we are using RMCOBOL 85 with 44 user license in SCO UNIX Server , so is it possible to move that license to Ubuntu linux Server , Any one please suggest the process Thank you Saiteja N 8121676979 saiteja.edu @gmail…
  • Ignore errors on Relativity query?

    I've been scouring through the forums looking for information on this. We have a lot of Relativity tables and most of them work great without any errors. Sometimes we've run into problems like: Numeric item in key contains nonnumeric characters Numeric…
  • Robust way to edit INX files?

    Hi My team have been using a program which allows use to convert INX (indexed or sequential data files) into ASCII, edit rows individually (w/ hex editor), and then convert the modified file back into INX. This process is not the best way of making…
  • LicVerify: error activating licenses 0xc1000015 (The activation code has expired.)

    Due to an equipment update I have to reinstall my RM/COBOL85, I have the installation package and the .lic files. I get the activation code from the web but when loading it in the installation it gives me the following error. Please enter your activation…
  • assign the file type at the time of creation without taking into account the cobol 8 configuration files

    Hello, I have an erp that we are migrating to the AWS services where the size does matter, we have several masters that are not very large so the default creation file type in the terminfo or windows.cfg is 2 but we have the Problem that the files that…
  • compile on runtime 12.14 objetc version 11

    Hello, I have a question I have an ERP that must support client with runtime in the RM / COBOL version 8 object level 11 but we want to compile with version 12.14 we are reviewing the manual and it tells us that to generate the objects z = 11 but at the…
  • rm cobol

    Good morning, I have a question regarding the RM-COBOL we do not have the xcentrisity so we use programs in C or Java to make consumptions of webservice or make communications with dataphones or perform specialized management of devices such as scale…
  • Converting a known date into Universal Coordinated Time

    "Hello" from Russell. I have a question for the community, please. I have a "appointment" application where customer appointments can be scheduled by date & time. For a moment, let's consider an appointment is scheduled today (March 30th, 2018) for…
  • Liant RM/COBOL for unix/linux -

    is it possible to display an image (.bmp .jpg...) when running Liant RM/COBOL for unix/linux . "C$Bitmap" works using pc runtime but how about the unix/linux runtimes. Any 3rd party software available? Thanks!!
  • error 30,75 on Linux

    hi, making a validation to know if a file exists I'm doing an open i-o hoping it will return an error 35.00 that I'm controlling to do the open output but I'm getting a 30,75 error doing the open i-o more information linux 64 bits rmcobol 12.14 32bits…
  • Viewing Tables

    Help anyone. I last programmed in Cobol in the military in 1991. I just got assigned to a project to pickup from a programmer who is in ICU. My Client is not very helpful and I need to know how I can view the cobol tables!! My Client is using RM Cobol…
  • WoW Extensions v12

    Hello: Has anyone successfully passed data values (besides the server ip & port#) via the "RMCobol WoW Extensions" file RPCPLUS.INI ? The RPCPLUS.INI file is installed on the PC and must include the Unix server ip & port# to run the object on the unix…
  • Get path of current executing program

    How can I retrieve the path of the currently executing RM/COBOL program? I am making command-line calls via CALL "SYSTEM" and need a way to route the output depending on where the program is running.
  • CobolWOW Extensions- thin client v9

    is it possible to identify CobolWOW thin client users on the Sco Unix server? Windows 7 pro pc's run CobolWOW Extensions- thin client v9 configured to use port 5010 & ip of SCO Unix server. The CobolWow object is on the SCO Unix Server. Note below…
  • CobolWOW Extensions- WOWMESSAGEBOX

    The code below defaults to YES when the WOWMESSAGEBOX displays. So the user can press ENTER or click YES for "YES" or click NO for "NO". I'm trying to display the WOWMESSAGEBOX with no default so the user will be forced to click YES or NO in order…
  • Share Linux to Windows IIS view COBOL

    Hi, I have a linux server setup with XBIS RM/COBOL and XML Extensions. I also have a Windows server setup with the same. I have a website on the linux using apache and works fine with the cobol and XBIS, it is old though. On the Windows Server the new…
  • RM vs Visual Cobol RM Relative Files

    I'm in the slow process of migrating from RM w/Linux to Visual Cobol RM ... with DevHub to allow use of the Linux while coding in Windows/Eclipse. I've just encountered a problem with Relative Files. In "Standard" RM the relative file ... if you …
  • %idle cpu 0- infoexpress v 12 over sco unix 5.0.7

    InfoExpress using version 7 over sco unix sco working properly we do update to version 12 to get more users and have problems. rmservertcp when start the cpu usage reaches 100% leaves resources not available. which may be the problem?
  • Fax Server

    We are running RM COBOL on RHEL v 6.4. We currently have Esker's vsifax integrated into our programs for sending faxes & emails. Its very nice that the program knows by what we put in whether it is an email or fax number - so same routine for both. The…
  • rmdefinx

    Which is the best configuration for Index files? Thanks
  • RM/COBOL for 64 bits

    Hi, I need RM/COBOL Runtime - Version 12.07 for Linux Intel 64-Bit. and RM/COBOL Compiler - Version 12.07 for Linux Intel 64-Bit ¿It's posible? Thank's
  • RMCobol - multiline editbox

    At the company where I work we use RMCobol; In the help-file I can consult I can't find a way to make it possible to set the cursor-position in a multiline edit-box. Is there anybody who knows how to do that?