I am taking the Micro Focus COBOL Fundamentals course (https://www.microfocus.com/en-us/cobol). I have installed the "Learn COBOL" extension into my pre-existing Visual Studio Code installation (using the extensions menu).
Following the video instructions I have created a file called "Hello World.cbl" and typed in the COBOL code suggested. My program runs fine, but it does show an error as shown in the screenshot below.
This suggests to me that something about my Visual Studio Setup is not correct. I had to add .cbl as a file extension because it did complain about that. So I assume there is also something else not correctly applied from the Micro Focus extension installation.
The video at this part of the course suggests that we write this Hello World program to check that our environment is correctly set up, but then it does not provide any assistance in getting it correctly setup if it is not. We were directed to come here with any questions, so I hope this is the correct place to ask this question.
Amazingly Google knows nothing of "StatementListMarker" so I have no hints at all.