openESQL cursor named with a host variable

Hi, our company works with Visual cobol and COBSQL preprocessor for Informix.

We are testing to change to Visual cobol and openESQL and we have found that if a cursor  is named with a host variable  the program gives and compilation error.

we has discover that If we change de cursor to a "prepare" compilation is ok, but in our instalation there are a lot of programs with this kind of declarations, and having to change it is a problem

There are some way to avoid the compilation error without change the code of the program? something like a compilation directive, and OpenESQL Preprocessor Options, an upgrade of the openSQL...?

This is an example of code:

declaration of the host variable to name the cursor

           exec sql begin declare section end-exec

                 01  sql-cursor        pic x(30).

           exec sql end declare   section end-exec.

Declaration of the cursor

            if conditionA

                move 'cursorA'            to  sql-cursor 


               move 'cursorB'            to  sql-cursor 


exec sql
     declare :sql-cursor cursor for ..............


exec sql
open :sql-cursor

exec sql
fetch :sql-cursor
into :.......


 exec sql close :sql-cursor       end-exec.