Installation VC90 no correct.

I have had to install VC 9.0 2022 on a new PC, due to the failure of the previous PC, after installing VS2020 professional 17.1o and
Windows SDK
location = D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus Visual COBOL\Microsoft\SDK\10
version = 10.0.19041.0

Microsoft Build Tools
location = D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus Visual COBOL Microsoft
version = 14.34.31933.

I load VS2022, and no VC options appear in the IDE.
I have tried to repair the VC installation, but it gives error 0x8007000a.

How should I proceed to have a correct installation?


  • 0  

    Follow the instructions to run the VSIXInstaller utility which should install the extensions into Visual Studio.

    Installing Visual COBOL into Visual Studio (

    Microsoft made a change to Visual Studio 2022 in V17.10 that broke the Visual COBOL installation.

    Make sure that you have the latest PU 8.0 installed for Visual COBOL which should solve this problem. 

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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    Following your instrucctios. The problem go on

    Microsoft made a change to Visual Studio 2022 in V17.10 that broke the Visual COBOL installation. ??

    D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0>mfvsixinstall
    No files found to install
    Installation into instance 'Visual Studio Build Tools 2022' not supported. Not an installable SKU

    D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0>mfvsixinstall -?
    Usage: MFVSIXINSTALL [-q (quiet)] [-u (uninstall)] [-nr (norepair)] [-nb (no batch)][-a:(App Instance Id)] [-p:path1[;path2]] [-scc (Skip Certificate Checks)]

    And I have installed the last  version PU 8.0  Visual_COBOL_9.0_PU08_Windows_VS2022IDE #355855

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    What are the contents of the folder D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0?

    Open up a Visual COBOL command prompt and execute the following command:

    cblms -Q

    What is displayed?

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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    Directorio de D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0

    03/06/2024 11:25 <DIR> .
    03/06/2024 11:25 <DIR> ..
    13/05/2024 11:58 32.760 MFVSIXInstall.exe
    10/05/2024 14:16 945.289 MicroFocus.VSIX.IMTKPackage.vsix
    10/05/2024 10:51 26.444 vcsql.vsix
    13/05/2024 11:58 12.284.867 VSCore.vsix
    13/05/2024 11:58 870.374 VSSOA.vsix
    5 archivos 14.159.734 bytes


    D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0>cblms -q
    Micro Focus COBOL - Configuration Utility for the Microsoft Build Tools & SDK (C) Copyright 1984-2024 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.

    Windows SDK
    location = D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\Microsoft\SDK\10
    version = 10.0.19041.0

    Microsoft Build Tools
    location = D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\Microsoft
    version = 14.34.31933

  • 0   in reply to 

    Everything looks correct but I really don't understand that error message. Did you download and install the Visual Studio Build Tools separately from the Visual COBOL install?

    Can you uninstall the Visual COBOL product from Control Panel or do you get an error when you try to do that?

    If you can uninstall Visual COBOL try that and then do a Repair of Visual Studio and then reinstall Visual COBOL.

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

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    Today I have installed the PU9 of VC90 for VS2022

    I loaded VS2022 and the problem go on, VC90 no appear integrated on it

    I try to execute as administrator, MFVSIXInstall.exe


    30/05/2024  21:35            29.912 MFVSIXInstall.exe

    30/05/2024  21:34           919.517 MicroFocus.VSIX.IMTKPackage.vsix

    03/06/2024  15:39            26.082 vcsql.vsix

    30/05/2024  21:35        12.063.617 VSCore.vsix

    30/05/2024  21:35           835.876 VSSOA.vsix

                   5 archivos     13.875.004 bytes

                   2 dirs  899.668.455.424 bytes libres


    D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0>mfvsixinstall

    No files found to install

    Installation into instance 'Visual Studio Build Tools 2022' not supported. Not an installable SKU


    (after uninstall  Microsoft Build Tools)

    D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0>mfvsixinstall

    No files found to install


    D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0>cblms -q

    Micro Focus COBOL - Configuration Utility for the Microsoft Build Tools & SDK (C) Copyright 1984-2024 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.



    Windows SDK

    location = d:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\Microsoft\SDK\10

    version  = 10.0.19041.0


    Microsoft Build Tools

    location = d:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\Microsoft

    version  = 14.34.31933


    How do I install or reset the environment variables required for VS2022 to recognize the correct VC90 installation?


    If I write

    D:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\vsix\VS17.0>cobol

    Micro Focus COBOL

    Version 9.0 (C) Copyright 1984-2024 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.

    Source file-name [.]:


    If I try to repair the VC90 installation, it does not finish and gives error 0x8007000a.The environment is incorrect





  • 0   in reply to 

    Do you have other versions of Visual Studio installed on your computer? If yes, then you should remove them.

    Did you download and install the Visual Studio Build Tools separately from the Visual COBOL install?
    Can you uninstall the Visual COBOL product from Control Panel or do you get an error when you try to do that?

    At this point, if you can uninstall Visual COBOL try that and then also uninstall Visual Studio 2022 and the Visual Studio Build Tools if you installed them separately.

    Then reboot the computer, install Visual Studio 2022 again and then install Visual COBOL 9.0 and PU 8.

    Open Visual Studio and check for COBOL extensions. If they are not there then close Visual Studio and run the mfvsixinstall program..

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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    Thank you.

    Problem solved, after following your instructions and having to run the MFVSIXINSTALL instruction afterwards.

    Need you see log file?

    But when I try to access the MF License Manager, to check that the licenses are correct, I do not access.

    At the second time. OK


  • 0   in reply to 

    That is good news that it finally installed correctly!

    I am confused about your statement about the licensing "At the second time OK"
    Does this mean when you started it the second time it stated up successfully or are you still experiencing the problem?

    I should have had you uninstall the License Manager at the same time you uninstalled the Visual COBOL product as that is not automatically done but that shouldn't cause the issue.

    You might try restarting the Micro Focus CES Daemon and Sentinel RMS License Manager services from the Windows Services screen if you are still having the problem?

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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    mean when you started it the second time it stated up successfully.

    I did not uninstall the license manager to avoid the risk of losing the license.

    As a conclusion of the solution of the problem, it is that for Visual Cobol 9.0 2022, to work correctly, it depends totally on a correct and clean installation of Visual Studio 2022 previous.