Visual COBOL and iFrame

We are working with another company to get their product working with ours - and they have written iframes to display their information. 

Is there a way to call those iframes within Visual COBOL.

P.S. We are only on Version 5.0 of the software - we are well aware that we need to upgrade. We just cannot at the moment. 

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Amy,

    One method that you can use to display a browser within a Windows Form is to use the NuGet package CefSharp. It looks a bit complex to be able to read the response back from a web request but it is possible. 

    I got it to display the browser using the following code with Visual COBOL 9.0 so I am not sure it will work with 5.0.

          $set ilusing"CefSharp"
          $set ilusing"CefSharp.WinForms"
          $set ilusing"CefSharp.Handler"
           class-id testCefSharp.Form1 is partial
                     inherits type System.Windows.Forms.Form.
           working-storage section.
           01 chromeBrowser type ChromiumWebBrowser.
           method-id NEW.
           procedure division.
               invoke self::InitializeComponent
               invoke InitializeChromium.
           end method.
           method-id InitializeChromium.
           procedure division.
               declare settings as type CefSettings = new CefSettings
               set settings::RootCachePath = "C:\\temp"
               invoke settings::CefCommandLineArgs::Add("log-severity", "fatal")
               invoke type Cef::Initialize(settings)
               set chromeBrowser = new type ChromiumWebBrowser("")
               invoke self::Controls::Add(chromeBrowser)
               set chromeBrowser::Dock to type DockStyle::Fill.
           end method.
           method-id Form1_FormClosing final private.
           procedure division using by value sender as object e as type System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs.
               invoke type Cef::Shutdown
           end method.
           end class.

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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    Well - this did not work with 5.0 and Visual Studio 2017.

    When I try to get the NuGet Package - I get this error message: 

    The ' 126.2.7' package requires NuGet client version '5.0.0' or above, but the current NuGet version is '4.9.3'. To upgrade NuGet, please go to

    My NuGet is updated to the most recent level for Visual Studio 2017.  

    Do you have any other ideas, or am I going to have to upgrade to 9.0?

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    Hi Amy,

    Sorry, but I have no other ideas at the moment. Both VS2017 and VC 5.0 are no longer supported. I would highly recommend that you upgrade to VC 9.0 and VS2022 anyways so that you are back on a supported platform.

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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      Winforms have a WebBrowser control. Could you try using that? 

    I created a simple Winform, added a WebBrowser control to it and added this to the Load event to show how you might be able to include an iframe.

    method-id Form1_Load final private.
    procedure division using by value sender as object e as type System.EventArgs.
    declare webPage as string =
    "<html>" &
    "<body>" &
    " <iframe" &
    " src='' frameborder='0' height='100%' width='100%'>" &
    " </iframe>" &
    "</body>" &
    set webBrowser1::DocumentText to webPage
    set webBrowser1::ScriptErrorsSuppressed to true
    end method.