rts32 : Error 114 encountered during finalization

Hi All,

We are migrating our 32-bit application from Solaris to RHEL 8.8. We are using Enterprise Developer 6 and planning to upgrade it to 8 once the migration is completed with the same configuration as in Solaris.

We are running Cobol program which reads table data and prints accounting extract with credit and debit summary after compiling the Cobol programs in RHEL environment.  We are facing rts32 : Error 114 encountered during finalization error when running the .gnt but it is working fine when running with .int. In both the cases Output extract is getting generated successfully and program is not stopping abruptly. In animator we are not getting this error

We are using the same compile scripts in both the platforms, we have not changed any settings

cobrun /tlcapp/bin/<program_name>.gnt  --> Output file is getting generated as expected but getting error as rts32 : Error 114 encountered during finalization

cobrun /tlcapp/bin/<program_name>.int -->   Output file is getting generated as expected and no errors printed

Could you please suggest any troubleshoot steps. We tried to generate a core dump using the COBCONFIG setting but the core dump is not getting generated for this error


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    The error during finalization is most likely occurring after the program STOP RUN, when the run-time system is trying to cleanup its resources. A 114 error can be caused by many things including memory corruption, etc. Problems can sometimes occur when moving from a SPARC to an Intel platform because of the change from big endian to little endian bitism. The use of COMP-5 or POINTER data items can be likely suspects. 

     I would highly recommend that you open up a support case with Technical Support as troubleshooting a 114 error is really beyond the scope of this community forum.


    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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    Thanks for the quick response. We also suspect that the issue is occurring after the STOP RUN command, as the full output file is being generated, but we are unable to identify the exact cause of the error. I have raised ticket 02942815 for this issue, where we attempted to generate a core dump, but it was not successful. I have also uploaded the COBOL program and the directives used for compilation to FTS. Could you please check them and suggest any troubleshooting steps? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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    This 114 error would be very difficult to diagnose by just looking at the program's source code but I did take a look and didn't see any of the problem areas that I had previously mentioned. I noticed that this program does call several other programs so any of them could be the cause of the memory corruption. 

    I would recommend that you run the program while the memory_strategy run-time tunable is set to validate memory allocations and frees.

    You might want to start with 

    set memory_strategy=0x80000001

    and if a memory error does occur a RTS252 error should be displayed.

    memory_strategy is documented here:

    Chris Glazier
    Rocket Software - Principal Technical Support Specialist
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    Thanks for the response, I tried to run the program by updating the config with memory strategy as
    set memory_strategy=0x80000001 in config file but did not get any 252 error, only got the usual error "rts32 : Error 114 encountered during finalization" after the completion of the program. I was able to generate the MFTRACE logs as suggested in comments of 02942815 ticket. I have uploaded the MFTRACE.tar file to FTS. 

    Also, i was thinking if there was any error during execution of calling modules, program would have ended with an error abruptly and output file would have not generated completely. But in my case the output file is getting generated completely with all the details as per expectation. 

    So, whether it could be happening at the point of or after the program execution (STOPRUN). Kindly advise and let us know for next steps.