I'm new to Visual Cobol for Visual Studio 2022 and trying to upgrade the existing Cobol program which was developed on Net Express long years back to Visual Cobol 9.0.
I just imported the program into Visual Studio 2022 and trying to build it. But getting below errors,
1> * Cobsql Integrated Preprocessor
1> * CSQL-I-008: Invoking cp Preprocessor
1> * CSQL-I-018: Invoking Sybase Precompiler/Translator
1> 'cobpre' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
1> operable program or batch file.
1> * CSQL-F-021: Precompiler did not complete, no list file present -- Terminating
Could you please help me to understand why I'm getting this errors and unable to find the 'cobpre' command anywhere in the program code.
Senthilkumar Mukunthu Thulasiram