DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
Advanced Authentication EmailOTP method can be used as the second factor authentication with NAM.
For this integration to work you need to have a working SMTP server which can post OTP messages to user email address.
If you do not have an account for a SMTP server and wanted to setup a SMTP server quickly for testing purpose, you can use "mailCatcher".
Steps to deploy:
1. Use any server which is docker enabled. You can also use AAF server itself.
2. SSH to the server
3. Run the following 2 commands:
docker pull dockage/mailcatcher
docker run --name='mailcatcher' -d --publish=1080:1080 --publish=1025:1025 dockage/mailcatcher
( Port 1080 -> You can use the Browser to check the email
Port 1025 -> SMTP port for mailCather)
4. Once you run both the command you can access the mailcatcher using url http://DNSORIPADDRESSOFSERVER:1080/
5. Configure AAF to use mailCatcher as SMTP server
Go to AAF console -> policies -> Mail Sender -> configure as the image and save
6. Once saved you can test the email server by sending a test message.
Go to AAF console -> policies -> Mail Sender -> Send the Test Message
Once Send the test message button is pressed you can see the Test email in the mailCatcher.
7. Use the mailCatcher to receive the EmailOTP with NAM.
"Thanks to Patrick Holderness to share the steps"
To know more about mailCatcher: