Hi, we have a requirement to reset the password by calling SSPR rest API, we tried to reset it via Soap UI tool, but we are getting error, you do not have sufficient rights. what all rights are needed to reset the user password.
SSPR Version:-
Edir Version:-9.1.4
"username": "testuser005",
"strength": 100,
"minLength": 8,
"chars": "AbcDdpiwmenmnDETKDN@!@#1234567890"
"error": true,
"errorCode": 5027,
"errorMessage": "You do not have permission to perform the requested action."
Proxy user:-ssprproxyUser
This user already has the rights.
- Set following rights to root container with Inherit checked:
- Browse rights to [Entry Rights]
- Read and Compare rights to the following attributes
- pwmResponseSet
- Configured Naming (CN)
- Login Disabled
- Login Time
- Read, Compare, and Write rights to following attribute
- objectClass,
- Password Management
- pwmEventLog
- pwmToken
- pwmLastPwdUpdate
- Locked By Intruder
- Login Intruder Attempts
- Login Intruder Reset Time
- hnsacctstatuschangeddate
SSPR Logs are in attachment.
ssprproxyuser is able to reset the password of the users using iManager.