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SSPR container does not start on install

Trying to run the SSPR install as discussed here

When running the command to modify the container 


docker exec -it sspr-container /app/ ImportPropertyConfig /tmp/


It responds with 

Error response from daemon: Container 26488095e09af36104da1bcac0930093276bb0ca865b5393b7aa3451d10b9f9f is not running

restating the container manually (docker start sspr-container) only has it exit immediately

the sspr directory in /data only has the gc.log file with this entry

"[2021-02-19T22:17:41.609 0000][0.041s][info][gc] Using G1"

any ideas? 




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    Can you please let us know if sspr container is running after the below command

    docker run -d --network=host --name=sspr-container -v /data/sspr:/config sspr/sspr-webapp:latest

    Please share 'docker ps -a" results.

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    Dave, do you have a case filed on this yet? This wasn't something that was previously identified, nor did QA encounter it. The development team has indicated that they would be interested in additional details. Opening a new case would give a higher priority in analyzing the issue

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    we redownloaded the whole container package and have not seen this since 

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    it was in docker ps -a , the other containers were idm_engine_idv, imanager, osp and idm_apps