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SSPR set password via REST API call

I've been able to change password for self via rest API call but unable to change password for others. I get the below error:

    "errorMessage""You do not have permission to perform the requested action."





I can't figure out what kind of permissions the message is asking me to check when I use the 'username' parameter in Postman.

Any help will be appreciated.

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    So the back end is obviously eDirectory.  In SSPR are you configured to use a Proxy User for HElpdesk tasks?  I.e. The changes in eDir are made via the Proxy or are they made by the logged in user?

    In both cases does the user (logged in, or Proxy) have eDir permissions to change the password?

    There is a Password Management permission you can grant at a user or container level (iManager, Rights, select the User or container, then assign the attribute right, and inheritable or not as you need).

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    I guess they need to be member of the helpdesk role in SSPR as well.