I am trying to configure SSPR to send SMS, using this site
I believe the API's are well documented, but I must say, I am having difficulties with getting it to work via SSPR
I can send via curl, like this (I know the URL looks mangled, but it happens when I post in in the forum)
curl -v "">gatewayapi.com/.../mtsms" \
-u "theusername":"thepassword" \
-d sender="w00t" \
-d message="ROCKNROLL" \
-d class="standard" \
-d recipients.0.msisdn=THEPHONENUMBER
It should be noted that username password is in reality deprectated, so I should probable use an API Key instead.
Then -u would be
-u "theAPIKEY":
According to the API docs, we could also use http POST
POST /rest/mtsms HTTP/1.1
Host: gatewayapi.com
Authorization: Basic R28tQ3JlYXRlLWFuxxFQSS10b2tlbjoK
Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Content-Type: application/json
"message": "Hello World",
"recipients": [
{"msisdn": 4512345678}
The issue here is, that I simply cannot figure out how to set it up in SSPR.
Can anyone figure out if this is possible? And perhaps give a hint on how to do it?