Thanks for your guidance and/or assistance!
We've ran into an issue were we only had 1 SAST Sensor setup and have added enough to require us to need 2 SAST Sensors. When we setup our new sensor (S2) it worked fine but we didn't realize that it was sharing the same UUID as the old sensor (S1). Now we've uninstalled and reinstalled the S2, rebooted the suite, and tried changing the installation directory during another re-install of S2. However each time it ties into S1's UUID. This makes it troublesome as in SSC under the Sensors it flip flops every 15 or so minutes and doesn't display both sensors. We haven't found much as to explaining how to get a new UUID or how to correct this issue. We had cloned S2 from S1 while S1 and the rest of suite was turned off. Changed everything we thought we needed to before rebooting and turning everything on.
We're using version 23.1 of everything.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Thank you again.