Error during WI scan and

WE deployed another instance of WI and attempted to scan one of our applications from that instance. During the scan the following error pops up consistently and excessive response time pops up through the duration of the scan. The scan went from running 8 hours to 2 days and having to stop it. there is not difference in the other scan instance. i am figuring there is a configuration issue somewhere. can anyone advise?

SPI.Configuration.SettingsBase`1[[SPI.Scanners.Web.Configuration.Data.ScanSettingsData, SPI.Scanners.Web.Settings, Version=, Culture=neutral, 

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    To see if there is a difference in scan settings, you can save the settings from both scans as an xml file and then compare the two files.

    If there isn't a significant difference, then the issue would be environmental. You mention "there is no difference in the other scan instance", but does this hold true regarding network segment, firewall, AV/AM. Have you verified if the web application was experiencing some issues?