fcli issue updating processing rules

I'm trying to programmatically create applications in the Fortify Software Security Center (using I know there is a REST API, but I assume the fcli tool is the recommended approach however I’m struggling to set up a new application with the correct processing rules.

I’m using the following command: `java -jar fcli.jar ssc appversion create $PROJECT_SLUG:1.0 --auto-required-attrs --issue-template "Prioritized High Risk Issue Template" --skip-if-exists --from platform-one-devops-hello-pipeline-angular-world:0.1 --copy=AnalysisProcessingRules --store myVersion --log-level=TRACE`

It creates the new application and application version, but it does not copy over any of the processing rules.

I’ve tried leaving off the --copy param since it is supposed to copy over everything, but I had the same results.

I also don’t see a command to modify the rules afterwards either.

I also checked the issues page on the tool and only found one result: https://github.com/fortify/fcli/pull/474 (but it should have been resolved already).
