fortifyclient missing in Fortify/Fortify_Apps_and_Tools_24.2.0/bin or under /Tools

Hello, I don't see fortifyclient in bin folder of /Fortify/Fortify_Apps_and_Tools_24.2.0/bin.Also I have searched under /Tools, but no luck. What could be the issue ? I am trying to upload .fpr file to SSC.  Could somebody please help what am I missing here ?

I am part of devops team and executing the command from our python code configured from Jenkins. Command looks like below.

/home/jenkins/Fortify/Fortify_Apps_and_Tools_24.2.0/bin/fortifyclient', '-url', 'https://xxserever.xxxx/ssc', '-authtoken', ****, 'uploadFPR', '-file', 'build/reports/fortify-report.fpr', '-applicationVersionID', '1'

