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Jenkins 7.0.0 Release


We are pleased to announce the release of Jenkins 7.0.0 to the marketplace. 

Here is what you can find in the new release:

  • Added new options to create or select an application and release, configure scan settings, and invoke Fortify ScanCentral SAST to package application files.
  • Added default values for the following pipeline parameters:
    • **RemediationScanPreferenceType** (default **RemediationScanIfAvailable**)
    • **InProgressScanActionType** (default **DoNotStartScan**)
    • **InProgressBuildResultType** (default **FailBuild**)
  • Fixed **Build result if scan in progress** field to populate saved selection.
  • Fixed issue where polling status displayed **Not Started** for long-running scans.
  • Fixed issue where saved scan settings were not populated after the Jenkins machine was restarted.

Download Jenkins 7.0.0 here

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