DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
Fortify Software Security Research (SSR) is pleased to announce translated updates to the Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks (English language, version 2022.2.0), Fortify WebInspect SecureBase (available via SmartUpdate), Fortify Application Defender, and Fortify Premium Content.
The full release announcement for each language is attached.
Fortify Software Security Research (SSR) tiene el placer de anunciar la disponibilidad de actualizaciones traducidas de Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks (en inglés, versión 2022.3.0), Fortify WebInspect SecureBase (disponible a través de SmartUpdate), Fortify Application Defender y Fortify Premium Content.
Fortify ソフトウェアのセキュリティ研究 (SSR) グループは、Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks (英語、バージョン 2022.2.0)、Fortify WebInspect SecureBase (SmartUpdate から入手可能)、Fortify Application Defender、および Fortify Premium Content に対する更新 (各国語版) について発表いたします。
Fortify SSR(Software Security Research)에서는 Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks(영어, 버전 2022.2.0), Fortify WebInspect SecureBase(SmartUpdate를 통해 사용 가능), Fortify Application Defender 및 Fortify Premium Content에 대한 변환된 업데이트를 발표합니다.
A Fortify Software Security Research (SSR) tem o prazer de anunciar as atualizações traduzidas para os Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks (idioma inglês, versão 2022.2.0), o Fortify WebInspect SecureBase (disponível via SmartUpdate), o Fortify Application Defender e o Fortify Premium Content.
Chinese Simplified
Fortify软件安全研究 (SSR) 团队荣幸地宣布 Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks(英语版,版本 2022.2.0)、Fortify WebInspect SecureBase(可通过 SmartUpdate 获得)、Fortify Application Defender 和 Fortify Premium Content 的翻译更新即将推出。
Chinese Traditional
Fortify Software 安全研發 (SSR) 團隊榮幸地宣佈,Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks (英文語言,版本 2022.2.0)、Fortify WebInspect SecureBase (透過 SmartUpdate 取得)、Fortify Application Defender 和 Fortify Premium Content 的翻譯版更新即將推出。