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eDir LDAP Misbehaviour

We have 3 LDAP (2 Replika +1 Master) eDirServer (OES2018SP3 last patches). Master und 1 Replikaserver (the second is IDM) services LDAP-Requests via F5 Loadbalancer.

Works great, but since some month we have the issue, that the replicaserver stops servicing ldap-requests, without errors found in the log) and at the same time the master stops servicing too.

When rebooting the replica-server the master immediatly begins servicing requests again. we think the issue with stopping servicing depends on to less memory (working on that)

The bigger issue i have is, why stops maaster servicing with ldap when the replicaserver stops servicing.

Thanks für help Martin

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    Did you have an issue with eDirectory or LDAP daemon?

    ndsstat provides a response if NDSD is still functional.

    Low memory can be the root cause of the issue.