New to LDAP queries and eDirectory. We have multiple IDM environments were sometimes driver packages get out of sync during testing/development.
My boss asked me if it was possible to quickly query and compare all the packages in our environments in an automated way. So decided to write a Powershell script to grab and compare those values from eDir.
With the help of the previous discussions I was able to establish a successful secure LDAP connection to query some values.
However, when querying values from an attributes, I get values that doesn't make any sense.
for example :
$ModelRequest.Entries[0].DistinguishedName ==> output ==> cn=some_driver,cn=some_Driver_set,o=system (this is fine)
$ModelRequest.Entries[0].Attributes ==> see table below
Name Value
---- -----
dirxml-tracesizelimit {49 48 48 48 48 48} (<=== what is this?)
While the expected value for dirxml-tracesizelimit is just 100000
Anyone have an idea why I'm not getting the expected output?