From time to time, we see objects, where typically multivalue attributes are not consistent between the servers in the replica ring. For example as shown on the pictures below
One Server
The other servers
We know, that the correct value are one the first server.
The replicas shows no problems with synchronization as such, all are up to date, time is in sync etc.
No objects seems to be broken as such (ndsrepair -R)
In this instance, the object with the correct values is in one partition, and the referenced object(s) (as seen, they are DN values), are on another partition.
We supect than more than one object has those inconsistencies.
The question is, how do we make sure that all objects on server one (which we see as the authoritative truth now), are replicated in full to the other servers.
Sending an object to all replicas from iMonitor does not make the object consistent accross the replicas.
From dsrepair, "Synchronize the replica on all servers" does not make any difference either.
We could of course remove the partition from the other servers, and add them again, but that seems like a rather harsh decision.
How do we make replicas consistent?