Problem running diagpwd


We need to troubleshoot some universal password errors but having problems running diagpwd utility.

eDirectory runs on OES 24.1 (eDirectory 9.2.8) and when running we get following error:

# diagpwd <serverIP> 636 /etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.pem <LDAP DN of user to check> base <LDAP DN of admin account>

ERROR -1 ldap_simple_bind_s
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Please note that:

- LDAP authentication on that server works without any problems

- LDAP SSL certificate has not expired

- LDAP SSL certificate has both DNS and IP as SAN

- We get same error if we use serverDNS name instead of serverIP whe running diagpwd

diagpwd -v returns "diagpwd version 5"

We tested that on multiple servers in same tree with same result, so either we are using utility wrong way or there is something wrong with that version of diagpwd.

Any help appreciated Blush

Kind regards,


PS: Just for info, on OES servers diagpwd is automatically installed by edirectory-oes-nmas-ldap-extensions-client-9.2.8-150400.1.46.x86_64 package

Kind regards,


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    Please check a small addition for validity.. In the field I always have the issue that /etc/ssl/servercerts/ the certifcates have a problem for whatever reason. Please include in the KM to check the certificates with openssl that are in the path and also to check the certificates in the /kmocache directory before starting the diagnosis.



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