a new fresh IC-installation generate a Error. See the Log below in red.
The Server-Certificate is create fine in the Tree with the name "mycert" and the password was simple set to "password12345"
Staging License. Provided that Licensee is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Licensee is authorized to use the Licensed Software in Licensee’s internal, non-production environment solely for testing purposes in a quantity equal to that of Licensee’s User commercial licenses.
Evaluation Software. If the Licensed Software is an evaluation version or is provided to Licensee for evaluation purposes, then, unless otherwise approved in writing by an authorized representative of Licensor, Licensee’s license to use the Licensed Software is limited solely for internal evaluation purposes in non-production use and in accordance with the terms of the evaluation offering under which Licensee received the Licensed Software, and expires 90 days from installation (or such other period as may be indicated within the Licensed Software). Upon expiration of the evaluation period, Licensee must discontinue use of the Licensed Software, return to an original state any actions performed by the Licensed Software, and delete the Licensed Software entirely from Licensee’s system and Licensee may not download the Licensed Software again unless approved in writing by an authorized representative of Licensor. The Licensed Software may contain an automatic disabling mechanism that prevents its use after a certain period of time.
Do you accept the terms and conditions of the license agreement?:[y/n/q] [INFO] No existing identityconsole installation found.
[INFO] Installed required rpms.
[WARNING] Found existing eDirectory installation. Installing only identityconsole rpms.
warning: ./packages/edirapi- Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID e08e4762: NOKEY
Preparing... ########################################
Updating / installing...
edirapi- ########################################
warning: ./packages/identityconsole- Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID e08e4762: NOKEY
Preparing... ########################################
Updating / installing...
identityconsole- ########################################
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/netiq-identityconsole.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/netiq-identityconsole.service.
[INFO] Installed rpms successfully.
[INFO] Identityconsole installation successful.
[INFO] Adding nds group and user if they do not exist.
groupadd: group 'nds' already exists
useradd: user 'nds' already exists
Enter the Identity Console server hostname/IP address[]:
Enter the port number you wish for identityconsole to listen on[9000]:
Enter the eDirectory server hostname(s) or ip address(s) to which you want to allow identity console to connect to (Ex:[]:
[WARNING] Multi tree login is not supported with OSP. Only one eDirectory tree can be connected if configured with OSP.
Do you want to integrate OSP with identityconsole:[y/n/q] Do you want to import the CA certificate from server?
[WARNING] This step involves importing the certificate from the server, requiring user trust in the certificate. Are you sure you want to import the CA certificate from the server?:[y/n/q]
Enter the eDirectory server Domain name/IP address with LDAPS port number[]:
[INFO] Trusted root certificate(s) copied successfully from server to "/tmp/SScert.pem"
[INFO] CA certificate copied Successfully.
Do you want to generate the Server Certificate?:[y/n/q] Enter the eDirectory server Domain name/IP address with LDAPS port number[]:
Enter the eDirectory username[cn=admin,ou=sa,o=system]: cn=admin,ou=xxxxxx,o=xxxxxx
Enter the eDirectory user password:
Re-enter the eDirectory user password:
Enter the Server Certificate name[cert]: mycert
Enter the server certificate password:
Re-enter the server certificate password:
Error reading PKCS#12 file
139878726301344:error:0D07207B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:header too long:asn1_lib.c:157:
err = -1
[ERROR] Wrong server certificate password. Exiting.
svrlldapt71:/tmp/IdentityConsole_180_Linux #