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Question about Upgrading to IG 3.7.3


I am currently having a IG 3.7 in Production. I am planning ro upgrade to 3.7.3.

There is a Component Upgrade Script to compare and update the Tomcat, Java and ActiveMQ components which are fine.

However, in the IG 3.7.3 software, there is only IG and OSP Installer which I try to run, and it doesn't recognise existing installation and recommend to upgrade.

To me it's like performing the installation to overwrite existing installation.

Am I missing anything or there is a upgrade switch or similar upgrade script available ? The Documentation doesn't help much in this....



  • Suggested Answer



    1) There are two (2) sets of "helper" scripts located under the References section of

    1.a) Identity Governance Sample Installation Scripts
    These scripts are for net new installation. Once you have downloaded the necessary components ()(a) ActiveMQ, (b) Tomcat, (c) JDK, or (d) (Windows only) Postres), place the files in the compressed folder, the scripts will install and configure certain aspects of these components.

    1.b) Identity Governance Component Upgrade Scripts
    These scripts are for upgrading the components installation. Once you have downloaded the necessary components ((a) ActiveMQ, (b) Tomcat, (c) JDK, or (d) (Windows only) Postres), place the files in the compressed folder, the scripts will perform an in-place upgrade of these components.

    There are two (2) primary purposes for “Upgrade Component” scripts:

    1.b.1) When a customer wants to perform an in-place upgrade of Identity Governance and needs to update the versions of the components.
    For Example: Upgrading from ID Gov 3.7.0 to 3.7.3

    1.b.2) After installing Identity Governance, there is a reason/need to update one of the components (Examples: Security concern or a defect is discovered in that component that is causing the customer an issue)

    We created this to help customers update their components as easily as possible without requiring them to uninstall Identity Governance.

    There are instructions with both of the these utilities that outline what they will do and how to utilize them.

    Since you are looking to perform an "in place" upgrade (at least that is what I gather you want to do) then you will want to download (1.b). Where you will download the necessary versions of Tomcat, ActiveMQ, and Azul JDK put them in the folder specified, then execute the utility. At this point, the utility will upgrade these components in your 3.7.0 install to the necessary versions.
    NOTE: If there are newer versions of the components you can change the version number in the .sh./ps1 file to reflect.

    2) Upgrading OSP and ID Gov
    Our installers are designed to perform in-place upgrades. Which means it is not necessary to uninstall ID Gov 3.7.0 before installing 3.7.3. When upgrading Identity Governance there is a part where the DBA may need to be involved. If the DBA will not allow the installer to create users/schemas or modify their rights, then the DBA will need to review the documentation before you install to perform the necessary actions. If this is the case, then during the installation you will need to select "use existing" related to the Database Question as compared to "Update".

    Note: with Update, the installer will perform all of the necessary actions to either create new user/schema and assign necessary rights.

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    Micro Focus