Using IG 3.7.0-54 on a virtual SLES 15.3 server in AWS
DB is an AWS IaaS thing.
We have an identity source, eDirectory with appr. 19000 users and about 59000 groups.
We collect the users and the groups in an identity collector.
This includes nested groups
The collection takes about 20 mins (I think)
The publication takes 6+ hours
top on the IG server say load average is about 0.00-0.01
IG is memory is set to -Xms4096m -Xmx8192m
Publication status shows
Elapsed Start End
5:12:27.586 7/3/2023 11:19:49.096 [Nothing yet] TransitiveSubgroups.generate
0:00:12.261 7/3/2023 11:19:49.101 7/3/2023 11:20:01.362 TransitiveSubgroups.generate (distance=1)
Could it have something to do with nested groups?
Are there a problem with those?