I've just completed a new install. I used dependency versions that match what's in the helper scripts. I generated my own self-signed certificate for tomcat, and placed it in the appropriate spot and enabled a connector (non AJP, I'm using NIO). I installed OSP, and I can hit the login page over 8443 successfully. I've got a hosts file and hostname all set. I'm friends with DNS.
I installed IG, no issues reported. I looked at configupdate and configutil, as a matter of habit.
When I attempt to login, I get an OSP error page that it doesn't identify my application.
Error: The requested service may have been disabled or not configured properly. Please contact your system administrator. (The requested OAuth2 application was not recognized.)
When I look at the URL I notice that the client_id is equal to null, and I know that doesn't fly for Oauth.
I've compared this setup to another system with 8080, and I can't find what I might be missing from a config standpoint.
It certainly looks like I've got the client id for ig (and all other services) set in configupdate and in configutil. I've exported my configutil config and looked at that too, and don't see any key's with values missing (although without a value, why would be they be there?)
Any thoughts on why my IG instance refuses to call itself by its one true name - client_id=ig?