Coverage Maps and Review Properties

Is there a way to craft a coverage map that can reference the Review Owner property of a review?   For instance, let's say that I would like to prevent a review owner from reviewing any of the items in the review itself, even though they might be a supervisor or permission owner.   I don't think this is possible, just asking the hive mind.

Similarly, if I have a multistage review, can my coverage maps A) refer to previous stages, and who the reviewers selected were, and B) prevent a stage from occuring?  For instance, let's say I want the supervisor to review it in stage 1, and then in stage 2 I name a specific user, but I want to prevent them from double approving if they were also a supervisor in stage 1.    That is, could a coverage map (or other feature I'm unaware of) help prevent a user from seeing two approvals of the same item if they happen to be referenced in multiple stages of a review?

I have seen the "skip this stage if previous decision was keep/remove" choice, and that doesn't quite fit the scenario.

Interested to hear if anyone has implemented anything like these two configurations.


  • Verified Answer


    Hello Jim,
    At this time, Coverage Maps are only available for the Reviewer and not the Review Owner. I have created Coverage Maps that cover the Use Case of:

    The Permission owner is to be the reviewer for all permissions for which they are the Permission Owner. Except for case where they are the holder of that permission. In that case, the review item goes to the Permission Owner's Supervisor.

    For IG 4.2 and earlier this can be accomplished if one is collecting Accounts in the Application Source and the Account is the Permission Holder:
    Permission -> Account -> Identity

    The Coverage Map utilizes the relationships of "Permission: Owners" and "Account: Holders". However, if one is not collecting Accounts or the Account is not the Permission Holder, the coverage map that I have been utilizing will send all review items to the Permission Owner's Supervisor.

    With the upcoming 4.3 SaaS  and follow-up 4.3.1 Off-Cloud releases, the Coverage Maps have been enhanced with two (2) new Relationships: "Permission: Holders" and "User: User under Review" These new relationships allow for better handling of the above Use Case.

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    OpenText Cybersecurity

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    Excellent, thanks!
