Error when collecting identities


We are still running IGA  3.6.1 (we are in the process of upgrading) and we have now gotten this error when collection Identities via the AD Identities collector. "Failed to invoke data collection execution service for collection id: 131317, collector id: 12, fault: 503:general fault".

In catalina log file I see this:

[SEVERE] 2024-07-31 09:44:46 com.netiq.iac.server.dtp.DataProcessingTask startDataCollectionExecution - [IG-SERVER] Failed to invoke data collection execution service for collection id: 131317, collector id: 12, fault: 503:general fault
[SEVERE] 2024-07-31 09:44:46 com.netiq.iac.server.dtp.DataProcessingTask$2 makeServiceCall - [IG-SERVER] Failed to invoke data collection execution service for collection id: 131317, collector id: 12, fault: 503:general fault

On the collector configuration page I can test the connection and it works 100%. Anyone has an idea as to why the error happens ?


