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Problem with setting up HTTPS for the User App."


Trying to setup User App. to use HTTPS. Get this error in the cataline.out log

IDM 4.7.2 AE on Windows Server 2016
The User App is acceptiong the https url and give me the option to sign in, but the sign-in process failed

2019-04-03 12:12:18,290 [ERROR] OAuthServlet [RBPM] An error occurred while attempting to contact the authentication service.
com.novell.common.auth.ValidationException: PKIX path validation failed: Could not determine revocation status
at com.netiq.idm.auth.oauth.OAuthServlet.handleAuthorizationResponse(

Tomcat Cataline.out...

certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCerts()...
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingEECerts()...
certpath: X509CertSelector.match(SN: b05b8b3213bc8067b6b8dd7306bcca1
Issuer: CN=GeoTrust RSA CA 2018,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Subject: CN=\, OU=IT, O=Vejen Kommune, L=Vejen, C=DK)
certpath: X509CertSelector.match: subject DNs don't match
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCACerts()...
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCACerts(): the target is a CA
certpath: X509CertSelector.match(SN: 546fe1823f7e1941da39fce14c46173
Issuer: CN=DigiCert Global Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Subject: CN=GeoTrust RSA CA 2018,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US)
certpath: X509CertSelector.match returning: true
certpath: RejectKeySelector.match: bad key
certpath: X509CertSelector.match(SN: b05b8b3213bc8067b6b8dd7306bcca1
Issuer: CN=GeoTrust RSA CA 2018,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Subject: CN=\, OU=IT, O=Vejen Kommune, L=Vejen, C=DK)
certpath: X509CertSelector.match: subject DNs don't match
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCACerts: found 0 CA certs
certpath: SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(): certs.size=0
certpath: SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild: 2nd pass; try building again searching all certstores
certpath: SunCertPathBuilder.buildForward()...
certpath: SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(CN=GeoTrust RSA CA 2018,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US, State [
issuerDN of last cert: null
traversedCACerts: 0
init: true
keyParamsNeeded: false
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCerts()...
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingEECerts()...
certpath: X509CertSelector.match(SN: b05b8b3213bc8067b6b8dd7306bcca1
Issuer: CN=GeoTrust RSA CA 2018,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Subject: CN=\, OU=IT, O=Vejen Kommune, L=Vejen, C=DK)
certpath: X509CertSelector.match: subject DNs don't match
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCACerts()...
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCACerts(): the target is a CA
certpath: X509CertSelector.match(SN: 546fe1823f7e1941da39fce14c46173
Issuer: CN=DigiCert Global Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Subject: CN=GeoTrust RSA CA 2018,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US)
certpath: X509CertSelector.match returning: true
certpath: RejectKeySelector.match: bad key
certpath: X509CertSelector.match(SN: b05b8b3213bc8067b6b8dd7306bcca1
Issuer: CN=GeoTrust RSA CA 2018,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Subject: CN=\, OU=IT, O=Vejen Kommune, L=Vejen, C=DK)
certpath: X509CertSelector.match: subject DNs don't match
certpath: ForwardBuilder.getMatchingCACerts: found 0 CA certs
certpath: SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(): certs.size=0
certpath: AdaptableX509CertSelector.match: subject key IDs don't match. Expected: [4, 20, -112, 88, -1, -80, -100, 117, -88, 81, 84, 119, -79, -19, -14, -93, 67, 22, 56, -98, 108, -59] Cert's: [4, 20, -39, 119, 2, 33, 123, -94, 52, -40, -35, 22, -9, -36, -84, 103, -29, 6, -50, -119, -103, -48]
certpath: NO - don't try this trustedCert
certpath: AdaptableX509CertSelector.match: subject key IDs don't match. Expected: [4, 20, -112, 88, -1, -80, -100, 117, -88, 81, 84, 119, -79, -19, -14, -93, 67, 22, 56, -98, 108, -59] Cert's: [4, 20, -46, 111, -9, -106, -12, -123, 63, 114, 60, 48, 125, 35, -38, -123, 120, -101, -93, 124, 90, 124]
certpath: NO - don't try this trustedCert
2019-04-03 12:12:18,290 [ERROR] OAuthServlet [RBPM] An error occurred while attempting to contact the authentication service.
com.novell.common.auth.ValidationException: PKIX path validation failed: Could not determine revocation status
at com.netiq.idm.auth.oauth.OAuthServlet.handleAuthorizationResponse(

Best regards
  • 0  
    On 2019-04-03 12:34, mJg2XW wrote:>
    > Hi
    > Trying to setup User App. to use HTTPS. Get this error in the
    > cataline.out log
    > IDM 4.7.2 AE on Windows Server 2016
    > The User App is acceptiong the https url and give me the option to sign
    > in, but the sign-in process failed
    > 2019-04-03 12:12:18,290 [ERROR] OAuthServlet [RBPM] An error occurred
    > while attempting to contact the authentication service.
    > com.novell.common.auth.ValidationException:
    > PKIX path validation failed:
    > Could not determine
    > revocation status
    > at


    Does the HTTPS connector in Tomcat send the server certificate as well
    as the intermediate certificate (GeoTrust RSA CA 2018)?

    Do you trust the DigiCert Global Root CA in your truststores?
    Specifically in {com.netiq.idm.osp.ssl-keystore.file}

  • 0 in reply to   

    Does the HTTPS connector in Tomcat send the server certificate as well
    as the intermediate certificate (GeoTrust RSA CA 2018)? -> What do you mean by this?

    Do you trust the DigiCert Global Root CA in your truststores? -> YES
    Specifically in {com.netiq.idm.osp.ssl-keystore.file}
  • 0   in reply to 
    On 4/3/2019 8:06 AM, mJg2XW wrote:
    > Hi
    > Does the HTTPS connector in Tomcat send the server certificate as well
    > as the intermediate certificate (GeoTrust RSA CA 2018)? -*> What do you
    > mean by this?*
    > Do you trust the DigiCert Global Root CA in your truststores? *-> YES*
    > Specifically in {com.netiq.idm.osp.ssl-keystore.file}

    I am of the belief that overkill in terms of trusting certs in keystores
    cannot hurt.

    There are 2-3 keystores.

    JRE cacerts (/opt/netiq/idm/apps/jre/lib/security/cacerts)
    OSP's look in your file for the path
    Tomcat's keystore for the private key.

    Steve disagrees and takes a more, just what you need approach, which I
    accept, but it is easier to just import in all of them.

    So into each of those three keystores I simply import as -trustcacerts
    1) eDir tree's CA public key
    2) Tomcat's public key of all the CA's, intermediate CA's, in the cert
    3) OSP's certs public key (since it is almost always self signed, so its
    key is the signing key).
    4) cacerts - which if you do first, keytool will note that the certs are
    already in the system store, but do it anyway.
    5) NAM's SAML signing key public key (Optional if doing SAML)

    This normally solves the vast majority of cert issues.

  • 0   in reply to   
    On 2019-04-03 15:47, Geoffrey Carman wrote:
    > Tomcat's keystore for the private key.

    For the Authorizaion Code Grant Oauth flow the OAuthServlet does a back
    channel request to OSP's token end point. Since that is an https
    connection as well, it needs to validate the server cert. To do so it
    builds a cert path using the {com.netiq.idm.osp.ssl-keystore.file}

    In a default install {com.netiq.idm.osp.ssl-keystore.file} points to
    tomcat.ks - tomcat's *keystore*. Therefore this store also needs to have
    the root CA certificate.

  • 0   in reply to 
    On 2019-04-03 14:06, mJg2XW wrote:
    > Does the HTTPS connector in Tomcat send the server certificate as well
    > as the intermediate certificate (GeoTrust RSA CA 2018)? -*> What do you
    > mean by this?*

    Besides its own server certificate, Tomcat must also send all
    intermediate certificates in its "Server Certificate" message according
    to the TLS spec:

    This is a sequence (chain) of certificates. The sender's
    certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following
    certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it. Because
    certificate validation requires that root keys be distributed
    independently, the self-signed certificate that specifies the root
    certificate authority MAY be omitted from the chain, under the
    assumption that the remote end must already possess it in order to
    validate it in any case.

    You can check this with openssl's s_client utility and the -showcerts
    parameter. So for Google the server provides the depth=0 and depth=1
    certificates. The root CA certificate (depth=2) must be in the
    applications truststore and is not transmitted.

    # true | openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
    depth=2 OU = GlobalSign Root CA - R2, O = GlobalSign, CN = GlobalSign
    verify return:1
    depth=1 C = US, O = Google Trust Services, CN = Google Internet Authority G3
    verify return:1
    depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Mountain View, O = Google LLC, CN =
    verify return:1
    Certificate chain
    0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google LLC/
    i:/C=US/O=Google Trust Services/CN=Google Internet Authority G3
    oxppi/d/sEcBplBWJEiSs2EqqgpK8WqsT/de7RfUc0ur2Cp aPbWH3FnfASbXSj1
    t MbtdzekLwd/YfuFUARYX8FKlrA5J/sIDdd3bmyAWCYv147sRVeUoiA1YhJ0r/X
    QRBNl4zQxSQehi7DEXFYsMLrtyJLAbU59ZWgrAKfRrHwac0k8jk 4tl0plBZPgQG
    U0dJQUczMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSGwtmdiuyB73xdMZ49 W2kdLk1dzAMBgNVHRMBAf8E
    u/9Uhlu3cLVRiC0 Q99X1GeGFFxE7Osi0W4Aqr AQ9no9el7vZd68OQb9ezoadui
    wtaIbo5XMnWPo 8qISM2DfmzVCmtDxdo/V4g4AtzR80xdlFhuquPj8YX549svbHe
    4Q7kIuvb0 ma0QB5ZPRcwsYT9Q5WUahlXYYV6SUlXVjy1o3X14gJN544AlhVicHS
    UxBMF3WNsPx94q85TFLw hwsH4KJ2hGggUrzIWsOkwtrNuVXaNE/Ca1DlJA/Y3EY
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    1 s:/C=US/O=Google Trust Services/CN=Google Internet Authority G3
    i:/OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2/O=GlobalSign/CN=GlobalSign
    XQ5IWi01CXZaz6TIHLGp/lOJ 600/4hbn7vn6AAB3DVzdQOts7G5pH0rJnnOFUAK
    71G4nzKMfHCGUksW/mona Y2emJQ2N aicwJKetPKRSIgAuPOB6Aahh8Hb2XO3h9
    ouAqYGVQMc/7sy /EYhALrVJEA8KbtyX r8snwU5C1hUrwaW6MWOARa8qBpNQcWT
    ux9LSD PAj2LIYRFHW31/6xoic1k4tbWXkDCjir37xTTNqRAMPUyFRWSdvt nlPq
    wnb8Oa2I/maSJukcxDjNSfpDh/Bd1lZNgdd/8cLdsE3 wypufJ9uXO1iQpnh9zbu
    7a8IVk6wuy6pm T7HT4LY8ibS5FEZlfAFLSW8NwsVz9SBK2Vqn1N0PIMn5xA6NZV
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    Server certificate
    subject=/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google LLC/
    issuer=/C=US/O=Google Trust Services/CN=Google Internet Authority G3
    No client certificate CA names sent
    Peer signing digest: SHA256
    Server Temp Key: ECDH, P-256, 256 bits
    SSL handshake has read 2994 bytes and written 419 bytes
    New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
    Server public key is 2048 bit
    Secure Renegotiation IS supported
    Compression: NONE
    Expansion: NONE
    No ALPN negotiated
    Protocol : TLSv1.2
    Cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
    Start Time: 1554302324
    Timeout : 300 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)

  • 0   in reply to   
    Geoffrey Carman <> wrote:
    > On 4/3/2019 8:06 AM, mJg2XW wrote:
    >> Hi
    >> Does the HTTPS connector in Tomcat send the server certificate as well
    >> as the intermediate certificate (GeoTrust RSA CA 2018)? -*> What do you
    >> mean by this?*
    >> Do you trust the DigiCert Global Root CA in your truststores? *-> YES*
    >> Specifically in {com.netiq.idm.osp.ssl-keystore.file}

    > I am of the belief that overkill in terms of trusting certs in keystores
    > cannot hurt.
    > There are 2-3 keystores.
    > JRE cacerts (/opt/netiq/idm/apps/jre/lib/security/cacerts)
    > OSP's look in your file for the path
    > Tomcat's keystore for the private key.
    > Steve disagrees and takes a more, just what you need approach, which I
    > accept, but it is easier to just import in all of them.
    > So into each of those three keystores I simply import as -trustcacerts
    > flagged:
    > 1) eDir tree's CA public key
    > 2) Tomcat's public key of all the CA's, intermediate CA's, in the cert
    > chain.
    > 3) OSP's certs public key (since it is almost always self signed, so its
    > key is the signing key).
    > 4) cacerts - which if you do first, keytool will note that the certs are
    > already in the system store, but do it anyway.
    > 5) NAM's SAML signing key public key (Optional if doing SAML)
    > This normally solves the vast majority of cert issues.

    We had a weird issue which was resolved by configuring OSP to not use same
    keystore for both private key as for public key used for tomcatâ€Tms tls.

    We had originally lazily created one keystore that container public tls
    cert plus OSP private and used that in both places.

    Support meant it was a bug. However guessing Steve has been burnt by such
    edge cases and sticks with the documented tested approach.

  • 0   in reply to   
    On 4/3/2019 10:58 AM, Alex McHugh wrote:
    > Geoffrey Carman <> wrote:
    >> On 4/3/2019 8:06 AM, mJg2XW wrote:
    >>> Hi
    >>> Does the HTTPS connector in Tomcat send the server certificate as well
    >>> as the intermediate certificate (GeoTrust RSA CA 2018)? -*> What do you
    >>> mean by this?*
    >>> Do you trust the DigiCert Global Root CA in your truststores? *-> YES*
    >>> Specifically in {com.netiq.idm.osp.ssl-keystore.file}

    >> I am of the belief that overkill in terms of trusting certs in keystores
    >> cannot hurt.
    >> There are 2-3 keystores.
    >> JRE cacerts (/opt/netiq/idm/apps/jre/lib/security/cacerts)
    >> OSP's look in your file for the path
    >> Tomcat's keystore for the private key.
    >> Steve disagrees and takes a more, just what you need approach, which I
    >> accept, but it is easier to just import in all of them.
    >> So into each of those three keystores I simply import as -trustcacerts
    >> flagged:
    >> 1) eDir tree's CA public key
    >> 2) Tomcat's public key of all the CA's, intermediate CA's, in the cert
    >> chain.
    >> 3) OSP's certs public key (since it is almost always self signed, so its
    >> key is the signing key).
    >> 4) cacerts - which if you do first, keytool will note that the certs are
    >> already in the system store, but do it anyway.
    >> 5) NAM's SAML signing key public key (Optional if doing SAML)
    >> This normally solves the vast majority of cert issues.

    > We had a weird issue which was resolved by configuring OSP to not use same
    > keystore for both private key as for public key used for tomcatâ€Tms tls.
    > We had originally lazily created one keystore that container public tls
    > cert plus OSP private and used that in both places.
    > Support meant it was a bug. However guessing Steve has been burnt by such
    > edge cases and sticks with the documented tested approach.

    No doubt, but I start with this, since it seems to resolve most issues,
    most of the time.

  • 0
    Is the revocation list available? The CRL for the eDir CA?

    PKIX path validation failed: Could not determine revocation status

    Suggests it might be a problem
  • 0 in reply to   
    I find this to be confusing and even annoying. Configupdate allows you to configure a trust store yet this call is hardcoded to use the tomcat keystore. This design is why we have to default to putting all certificates used in all the keystore files.

    Perhaps I'm just a bit angry from fighting this for the last week doing a 4.6.1>4.7.2 upgrade as well as ID Gov 3.5 installs.
  • 0

    Have now imported the RootCA (DigiCertGlobalRootCA) and the intermediate CA (GeoTrustRSACA2018) into osp.jks and into cacerts. The problem with " Could not determine revocation status" is still there

    com.netiq.idm.osp.oauth-keystore.file = d:\\\\netiq\\\\idm\\\\apps\\\\osp\\\\osp.jks
    DirectoryService/realms/jndi/params/KEYSTORE_PATH = D:\\netiq\\idm\\apps\\jre\\lib\\security\\cacerts

    2019-04-08 20:52:49,229 [ERROR] OAuthServlet [RBPM] An error occurred while attempting to contact the authentication service.
    com.novell.common.auth.ValidationException: PKIX path validation failed: Could not determine revocation status
    at com.netiq.idm.auth.oauth.OAuthServlet.handleAuthorizationResponse(
    at com.netiq.idm.auth.oauth.OAuthServlet.doGet(

    Best regards