This seems like something that should be simple to do, but I'm stumped. I want to replace some text displayed by /idmadmin, with some other text. Text strings customization isn't a new idea with the Identity Apps, but this one is hiding from me.
The path is /idmadmin/#/groups
If you enable group editing, and want to add a user to the group, clicking on the [ ] brings up a search box with some light grey "help" text in it that says:
Search in users by First Name, Last Name
I want to change it to something else, like "Search for people by Last Name". That's it, just a simple string change. I have been searching through every file under /opt/netiq and haven't found this text.
I can see the block of HTML here:
<div _ngcontent-c16="" class="input-group expanded"> <label _ngcontent-c16="" class="sr-only" for="input-search">Search in users by First Name, Last Name</label> <input _ngcontent-c16="" aria-label="query" class="form-control input-sm ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched" type="text" placeholder="Search in users by First Name, Last Name"> <span _ngcontent-c16="" class="input-group-btn spacer-none"> <button _ngcontent-c16="" aria-label="dropdown" class="btn btn-default" role="button" type="button"> <i _ngcontent-c16="" class="icon icon-arrow-angle-down spacer-out-none" hidden=""></i> <i _ngcontent-c16="" class="icon icon-cross spacer-out-none"></i> </button> </span> </div>and from fooling around with it in Firefox, I know that I need to replace the placeholder="" text to get it to show up changed. I thought I'd attack it with CSS, but you're not allowed to change attribute text that way.
This really seems like it should be a simple thing. Where have they hidden this text for changing?