Looks like it is out! Available in SLD as a new item in the third row as 4.9
List of featues I heard are:
- Support for "Microsoft Modern Authentication" - Introduces support for OAuth2 authentication specifically tailored for email accounts within Office 365.
- Cumulative Full Installer
- Form Renderer Updates - Revamped form renderer with updated libraries for flexible data entry.
- ACDI – Monitoring ( Audit, Compliance and Data Intelligence )
- User application Monitoring Improvements - Real-time insights via CN = Monitor for improved user application monitoring.
- IDM Containers (OT UBI, AWS, Azure)
- Azure AD Driver performance and scalability
Seems like some interesting changes.
I see the DTD for DirXML Script got updated with two new lines:
Changes in 4.9
- Updated <do-send-email> to add support for Email Modern Authentication.
- Updated <do-send-email-from-template> to add support for Email Modern Authentication.
Rats, do I need to update my book again? :) I think I will wait for some bigger changes before making a new edition.
What else have you guys found new in 4.9?