is it possible to set nrfOriginator to an request object via restcall with /roles/role/assignments/assign?
the value "USER_APP" is set per default at the moment.
DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
is it possible to set nrfOriginator to an request object via restcall with /roles/role/assignments/assign?
the value "USER_APP" is set per default at the moment.
Hi Joachim,
this attribute is supposed to display the "source type" of the request:
Usually, it is set by the system according to the "source" used.
E.g. this is the result of an assignment during an approval workflow:
If you trigger the assignment from policy via dixml script token, there seems to be an option to overwirte this value:
For REST API based calls it should show something like
I do not recall any option nor do I find any in the doc to overwrite this value for REST API based calls.
Best regards,